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Jackbotts, what I studies at uni isn’t really all that relevant to what I’m doing today! That is the beauty of science, you can hop skip and jump and still fit in! 😀 I studies drug design and development (pharmacology) as well as industry applications of science (molecular biotechnology). I also studies Geoography also protein biochemistry. and now I work with bacteria and germs. so a bit different! What would you like to study when you get to our age?
LOTS of different things! I did a biochemistry degree, so I did lots of biochemistry and molecular biology. I studied biology and chemistry in first year. I had to do a couple of genetics subjects, and I did microbiology and aquaculture too! Then in my final year it got really interesting, where I did things like biotechnology, pharmacology (looking at drugs and the body) and genetics projects.
Then once I finished that, I did an honours project that was a research project all of my own that went for a whole year like a fulltime job!
It might sounds like a lot, but my degree was three years, with 8 subjects a year, and the subjects you do in the second and third year depends on the ones you did in the first year! You get a lot of help choosing them so you can easily plan your degree.
I studied biochemistry and immunology! So studied proteins and immune system
Well…I am STILL at Uni as a student (as well as a Lecturer!)…can you believe? I did an Undergrad Degree in Science (majoring in Microbiology and immunology) at Melb Uni in 1995-1998, the I worked in the UK for 4 years as a junior scientist, THEN did a Masters in Research at York Uni (UK) for a year THEN a PhD project for 4 years (finished in 2009). I am currently required to do a teaching qualification, so that my students here at Deakin can rest assured I have been taught how to teach properly! I have a year to go to finish that one…so all up 4 degrees (with ceremonies and silly robe/hat combos) in total to be an Academic Scientist! And I still am waiting to become a permanent employee!
Hi Jackbotts!
I studied chemistry, English, and more chemistry… Actually, the stuff I studied isn’t much like the work I’m doing now! You find little branches that take you on new paths very easily. : )