Question: Are there many jobs in this field of science?

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  1. Hi David,
    If you are thinking in Microbiology as a career path certainly!
    You can do a Research position at any University of Institute that looks at Microbes. You can work so hard and be a Microbiology Professor. You can also work in Hospital labs, you can also aim to be in a Government based job! I also know of some friends that do Biomedical engineering but they also collaborate with our Microbiology lab! Some Forensic labs also do Microbiology based research. IF you do a PhD in Microbiology, you can work in any Microlab anywhere in the world, doing a science degree gives you a career that crosses international borders! You can work anywhere your heart desires! Really, when you do Microbiolgy, you also train to do DNA work as well as protein work. Its a multidisciplinary field! Many direction to go from there 🙂 which is what I love about it!


  2. Hey davidmcafeescience you are on fire with some great questions now!

    There are lots of jobs like Mia said. Lots of things depend on how and what you study at uni. I did biochemistry (working with cells and proteins) instead of microbiology. In my particular field, there are lots of jobs in capital cities, but I live in Townsville. There are some here, but because it is a long way from the bigger cities they pay a bit more, and because of that LOTS of people normally apply for them!
    The best thing to do is pick your science, then work really hard to get your degree, honours, and then either a PhD or some other qualification after that. Good luck buddy!

    Is there anything you are thinking of studying in science? What is your favourite thing in science? I’d love to know!


  3. Hey David!

    It really depends what you want to do. It might be tough to get right to the top of the academic pack and become a research group leader, but there are lots of opportunities along the way, especially in biochem and microbiology.

    Biochem is my area, and I can say for sure it is growing fast! For instance, my poor boss only had *three* students when I started working with him when I was only a young uni student 2 years ago!

    In two years, he has gone from 2 biochem students to about 20!

    That really shows that there are more opportunities and enthusiasm for the field now! The group just keeps getting bigger… we don’t have enough computers anymore… 🙁

    But the technologies we’re researching have such wide applications, there will be jobs in medicine, engineering, industry, pharmaceuticals, academic research, everything! It might be competitive, but if you keep at it, you’ll find something you love to do.

    Be a biochemist David! : )


  4. Yes there are! You could be…
    * a scientist in a research institute or university in one of the many fields of research including cell biology, microbiology, marine biology and geology
    * you could work in a pharmaceutical company – researching drug development
    * sales (yes for scientific equipment and laboratory supplies)
    * patent law – for when people discover a new drug and need a law team to protect their discovery
    * government – we need more scientists in government to help form science/education policies
    * lecturing at university
    * teaching at schools
    * publisher for a science magazine/journal
    * science writer for a science magazine/journal
    * TV/news presenter for science
    Probably a few more too : )
    Hope that helps! Anissa

