Sam Askin
Me and my Work: Understanding how proteins in bacteria and viruses function. I also make tests to detect them in dangerous and tricky to cure diseases!
Status: The final day! Thanks so much for getting me here! It's been amazing!
Mia Zeric
Me and my Work: Where did you come from, where did you go? Gene flow in grape-smelling SUPERBUGS!
Status: Thank you so much for your votes! Can't wait to meet you guys :D
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what is the worst disease you can get
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what is your hot chocolate recipe (1 comments)
Melanie Thomson
Me and my Work: Stuff with Stinky bacteria from your gut and skin!
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Do you like do your homework in school did you think it was intresting
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How much bacteria is in your skin? (1 comments)
Eleanor Campbell
Me and my Work: I’m a protein crystallographer in training! We try to figure out how enzymes work by building computer models of them.
Status: Anyone want to learn about crystals? : )
Latest Question:
Is there a possibility that humans can fabricate new organisms by pulling apart different cells and genes and joining
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