Question: Do you like do your homework in school did you think it was intresting

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  1. I HATED HOMEWORK! Well, not all, but most. I think I just hated working outside school. I used to work so fast in biology at school I would get all the homework done before the class was over.

    With other subjects though, I would skip my homework haha. I would sit on my bed in my room with my books and the door closed, with my eyes closed resting. Then when I heard my parents opening the door I would look up in their direction and they’d think I just looked up from my homework hahaha! But I don’t condone that. You should do your homework, particularly if you don’t understand something, as it helps a LOT! I learned that the hard way when I got to uni!


  2. Willynilly101! Homework was fun for SOME subjects like Biology, and art, and drama oh and ICT! and even English! English homework really helped me learn English super fast when I first moved to Australia in 1998 and didn’t know a single word of English! Math homework I always found challenging! :S So, some homework I didn’t mind, some I hated to bits! lol ….


  3. Willynilly101 of course I did NOT like homework : ) In fact I think I was always “I’ll finish it later” which sometimes included on the day it was due ; )
    I definitely would not follow my example though – LOL!


  4. Homework… bleh.

    I didn’t like homework much, but sometimes we’d get interesting assignments and have to study topics that were pretty interesting! In physics, we had to build a motor as an assignment, and that was pretty awesome. All you need is a battery, a magnet, and some copper wire… want the recipe? : )


  5. Wasn’t a huge fan of homework…but I did like the projects that had us make posters etc!! Loved to cut and paste stuff (and that was in the OLDEN DAYS before we could print stuff of Google Images!!)

