Question: What is the most dangerous bacteria and virus in the world?

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  1. Cookedchicken! Guess what I had for lunch today?….yup! cooked chicken! My mum made chicken schnitzels for lunch! hehe
    Ok onto your question.

    I would say that the deadliest bacteria is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it causes a disease of the lung and other parts of the body. Very nasty to treat! This bacteria kills more than 50% of those people that are infected. For us scientist, its one of the hardest bacteria to work with in the lab not only because its so dangerous but also because it grows so very slowly in the lab. So to do experiments on it takes such a long time and cure is therefore hard to achieve in such a short period of time.

    Deadliest virus! I would say Ebola virus. This virus is a big problem in Congo Africa. This virus kills people within a couple of days, so fast! The symptoms start of like a common cold, so influenza-like. People experience fever, chills, chest pain, nausea, hiccups, depression and the list keeps going! Total body attack!. But the worst part is that this virus attacks blood circulation around the body and the nervous system. When it does this, the person in Congo experiences Hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is bleeding that just doesn’t want to stop! In is horrific! People bleed to death! Oh how sad! 🙁 Poor people in the Congo!

    Luck that in Australia we don’t have Ebola and TB is controlled here in Australia. Last report of TB in Australia was in about 2009 according to the department of health. So here we are safe 🙂 phew!


  2. Hey cookedchicken1! There are lots of dangerous viruses and bacteria in the world, there isn’t really one that is the MOST dangerous! And some are more dangerous to different people too. You can be more prone to getting a disease from a certain bug based on where you live, your age, the conditions you live in, and even your race.

    There are some bacteria and viruses that are bad across the world though and to lots of people. Malaria is a bad one, it affects millions of people every year and is becoming resistant to drugs that are out there for it. HIV is obviously a very bad one, but the good thing about HIV is that treatments for its (AIDS) symptoms are becoming very good.
    I work with a bacteria called Burkholderia that causes a disease called melioidosis. Only a few labs in the world are allowed to even work with it because it’s so dangerous people are worried it will be used to kill others in terrorism (you can get it by breathing it in). It lives in soil and water, and is so strong it can stay alive on its own for decades. If you catch it, there is no drug that kills it on its own, and its very good at hiding from drugs inside your own clumps of cells. It can even come back up to 50 years after you’ve caught it because it’s been living inside you the whole time without you knowing! It’s in Australia and SE Asia, and if not managed properly can kill you in under two days!
    Another virus that’s really bad is Ebola. It’s so dangerous only about half the people that get it ever survive!

    So there are lots and lots of bad bugs that are bad for different reasons; the good thing is there is lots of research dedicated to getting rid of them!


  3. For virus I would have to say Rabies – because sadly by the time people know they have it only 0.1% of people survive – yikes! It is very rare though, thankfully!

    For bacteria I would say Tuberculosis…because again not many people survive infection – about 50% will survive.



  1. Thanks for answering and Mia I hope you enjoyed your cooked chicken!!


  2. lol I most certainly did enjoy it! 😀 thank you!
