Question: do you like pets I like dogs

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  1. Hey ktui1 I LOVE pets! I had dos (cockerspaniels) my whole life living with my parents. Now I have a cat, and will get a new dog soon, super excited!

    I also used to have tame and wild birds too!

    Do you have any dogs? What breed are they?


  2. ktui1 I had lots of fish when I was little. They were zebra fish, goldfish, giant black fish with huge eyes. Some were shiny transparent fish. 😀 My house at the moment sadly doesn’t have a big enough yard for a dog, but if I could have a dog I would really love a Husky! If not a Husky I would love to have a Bosnian Tornjak. They are HUGE and cuddly and love kids!

    This is what they look like

    Sadly I can’t get one here in Australia 🙁

    My boyfriend has a cat called Pi (the name is after a math value of 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 …) Easier to call him Pi! Pi and I lose to play together, so I guess Pi is a pet my boyfriend and I share 😀

    What about you? What pets do you have? Would love to know! 🙂


  3. Hey ktui1!

    I have a pet dog called Theodore (our neighbours call him ‘Theomopolopolis’, which is kinda weird…)

    He’s pretty great. : ) We used to have pet mice too! Dusty, Ham-Ham, and Pepper, but mice don’t live for a very long time, so we had to say goodbye to them a few years ago. : (

    But Theo keeps us company now! : )


  4. Yes! Dogs are great! And turtles : )

