Question: what type of stuff do you do in experiments?


  1. Hey again jacob!

    I do all sorts of different things in my experiments. You can read about some of them in my profile. But here are a couple of things I do regularly.

    – I do an experiment called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which makes millions of copies of a single bit of DNA. You use this experiment to make sure you have enough of this piece of DNA to use in other experiments later.

    – I grow bacteria to make proteins! I pu a circle of DNA inside bacteria, and then grow them. The bacteria make a protein that I want to study inside them from the circle of DNA. Once I have finished growing the bacteria, I explode them very carefully and separate my proteins from all the rest of the exploded bacteria to use in other experiments!

    – I shine lasers at proteins to see how strong they are! When I shine the laser at them, it makes the proteins glow green (because they have a glow in the dark bit from jellyfish attached to them). By looking to see how their glowing changes, I can see how strong the protein is in different liquids! How awesome is that!

    What’s your favourite experiment at school jacob?


  2. look at cells under a microscope to see if the cell size has changed after drug treatment

