Question: What animal is said to next become extinct?


  1. We meet again, Madga 🙂
    You know this question makes me sad! The next animal that is said to be extinct is apparently the Iberian Lynx Lynx pardinus. This is currently the world’s most endangered cat species. There are only 120 individuals left in the wild. What beautiful creatures! On this website you can find the 10 most endangered species. Be warned you might get very sad! :'(


  2. Hey magdaflynn SUPER important question! Like Mia said, there are some species like the one Mia mentioned and are in that link that are well known and will be so sad to lose. But do you know what is even worse? There are so many species out there we haven’t even discovered that it is estimated we lose 0.5-27 species EVERY DAY to extinction! Most of these we will never have even had the chance to discover. How crazily sad is that!



  1. It is a sad reality Sam that we lose so many species daily but my hopes are that we can still save the endangered species. And honestly we are discovering new species also which just blows my mind! Take the Purple frog (also known as pignosed frog) we thought it was extinct, turns it it is alive and kicking! It just burrows underground for 50 years and comes out once or twice a year! Had us fooled alright!
    Same with the Indian Peacock Blue Tarantula , we thought we had lost this amazingly colour arachnoid. There is also the olinguito, which is the first carnivore species to be discovered in the Western Hemisphere in 35 years. I am amazed at how many species are newly discovered and I am delighted at the potential of finding more 🙂


  2. I agree that we need to make sure we keep the endangered species we know of, absolutely! The thing that gets me though is while we are discovering new species all the time, if we are losing around 10 per day, who know what we have missed out on ever knowing they existed, often because of our own stupid use of our planet! Think of all of the amazing animals you mentioned , and magdaflynn think of your favourite animals in the world. Imagine if we never even got to see them once because they went extinct before we found them!

    This is why we need a super crazy effort to start stemming the flow of all the damage we do to our environment!


  3. yes me to


  4. Sam I could not agree!
    Preserving an individual species can only do so much, the key is to preserve the web, the ecosystem. This is a bit a harder to do, given the expanding human population, need for land, loss of habit via natural disasters, list keeps growing! But preserving ecosystems has a better chance of saving endangered species. SO thinking caps on you two: how to preserve our ecosystem on a day to day basis?

    I was looking up at newly discovered species just for kicks this morning! I had no idea about the yeti crab and this tiny little guy:
    SO TINY TINY! No wonder we have not come across this species before! Magda thank you for posting this question! It has made me think outside the box. 🙂


    • lol early morning typo! Sam I could not agree MORE! 😛 ya!


  5. Haha for a second there I thought we were in for a showdown of opinions!
