Question: Does veganism increase environmental sustainability?

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  1. Halo Magda,
    Wie gehts? Clever thinking miss! 🙂 A very different question to any I have seen so far!
    A few of my friends are vegan and they would argue that being a vegan is the best thing for the environment. They believe that animal production and intensive agriculture, is environmentally unsustainable and cannot support the current and growing world population. So of the concerns that my vegan friends have is that animal products end up in major pollution and in order to grow animals products we use a LOT of resources such as land, water and fossil fuels. Additionally they argue that to sustain a balanced environment, we have to avoid using of additional chemicals in agriculture. Fair point! Environmental vegans are very much of the belief that is we are to feed a hungry world, we need to invest less money and time with animal products and animal agriculture. Perhaps they are right!

    What is interesting when I listen to my vegan friends who are also scientists, none of them really mention one thing: MALNUTRITION!
    The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put out a report saying that malnutrition is a “the silent emergency”. I honestly have never met a healthy vegan! Call me crazy but they look so unhealthy and weak! I think whilst vegan-isms might make our environment more sustainable, it will greatly impact on our medical system with more and more people being malnutrition! Not just that, given that they don’t get the same dietary requirements, vegans are more dependent on supplements (ie. Vitamins, minerals etc) this is not good for your health. these supplements don’t and CAN’T replace a well balanced diet! Plus, to make these supplements you need to open up chemical factories and waste money and time on those instead.

    I don’t know miss, I would rather look into other ways of maintaining environmental sustainability through GMO foods as an example. Don’t get me wrong, being a vegan is a person choice and I respect my friends but I am so afraid that they are very unhealthy.

    What do you reckon? 🙂


  2. Hey Magda,

    I read Mia’s answer, and I’m glad that she got to the question before me because she said everything I would have said, everything! What a great answer. I think that we can find better ways to protect the environment without just shifting all the problems on to fixing people’s diets!

    Did you know that research has actually shown that vitaim tablets like vitamin C can make your health WORSE!

