Question: Who was your hero when you were growing up?


  1. My hero is my Dad. When I was 6 years old a war happened in my country, my Dad was the person that protected my mum, my grandfather, my aunt and uncle and baby cousin Dino and me. He got us out of my country and started up another life for my family. I was only little and my mum stayed at home with me for homeschooling because I couldn’t speak German. My Dad, even though he didn’t know German got a job soon after we escape my war torn home and he has never stopped working and caring for my family since. He made sure we had bread to eat, that I had clothes to wear and a bear to play with. So when I grow up, I want to be an amazing parent and I want to be a providing person like my dad. He is my hero! 🙂


  2. I’ve been asked the question a LOT, and everyone seems to have an answer. But I don’t for some reason. I never really had a hero growing up. I couldn’t think of one. I just did my own thing. I always found it hard to make goals and plan ahead compared to other people. I couldn’t even pick a favourite movie and things like that, because I liked different things for different reasons. But I got here just carving my own path, and I love where I am!


  3. Everyday people who go out of their way to help others. It’s very cool/inspirational to see!


  4. Hmmm…Hero when I was growing up…I really liked the guys on the Telly who did sciencey stuff…back in the 1980s! see the low res videos on Youtube:

    I also liked MacGyver (who seemed to be able to fix things with stuff he found randomly lying around) But it was hard to find a female hero in science in those days! I liked Annie Lennox from the band called the Eurthymics as she seemed like a strong woman (and I had the same haircut!)


  5. Hey bknow!

    That’s a hard question! There are lots of people I looked up to (like my parents and family members), but I think the people who inspired me most are… not even real people…

    I read a lot of fantasy books when I was little, like Harry Potter, Protector of the Small, Deltora Quest, and all those books had amazing heroic characters who never gave up even when things are going badly. It might sound silly, but if I’m having trouble with my work, I still sometimes think “What would Hermione do??”

    : )

