Question: why is pluto not a plannet

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  1. Hey girls that’s an excellent question and one that not a lot of people know! Some people don’t even know that Pluto isn’t a planet anymore! And thanks for the chat yesterday!

    There are a few reasons Pluto isn’t counted as a planet any more. Ever science it was discovered scientists have argued about it, and some are still cross that it got changed from being a planet. But the first reason is that it is very small. It is even smaller than our own moon! Some scientists think that it actually came from somewhere else in space and accidentally got caught orbiting our sun. This is because unlike all of the other planets, Pluto travels in a very funny way around the sun. It actually crossed the path of Neptune (but doesn’t hit it), and no other planets in our solar system cross paths! This has led some scientists to think that Pluto might have even been a moon of Neptune at some stage and got knocked away from it.
    Another reason is that Pluto has a moon, but it is half the size of Pluto! This is very big for a moon to be, so makes it seem like instead, Pluto and its moon are just too objects very close to each other.
    But the thing that really did it for poor old Pluto was a few years ago the international group of people that decide rules about how we know space changed the definition of a planet. And because of the things I said above, PLuto was kicked out of the planets!
    All is not lost for Pluto though. Pluto is actually now called a dwarf planet, which means it doesn’t meet the requirements to be a planet, but is too big to ignore it completely!

    What is your favourite planet girls? Do you like space?



  1. yeah my favourite plannet is mars, oh i heard that mars is a life plennet such as earth by jayfer


  2. Hey jayfer Mars is pretty awesome, it might just be a life planet! Scientists now think that the life on earth might have actually come from mars on an asteroid billions of years ago. How crazy is that!
    Would you go to Mars if you could?
