Question: do you like writting science reaoports

  1. Jacob you are on fire! This is a good question!

    Sometimes yes and sometimes no. It is very satisfying to write a report when it gets published in a journal for the world to see, because your work is now out there everywhere! You could find any of our published work online by searching for our names I’ll bet!

    I’m not that big a fan of putting the whole report together, especially starting it. There is LOTS of research to do and you have to refer to lots of other reports that have been done before to show you are not making things up! It’s hard work! I do like making the figures/pictures to show my work, because it’s the easiest way to see the results in a cool to look at form! And I love art!

    Do you write many reports at school for science? How do you like them?


  2. NA! NO! hehe I really struggle writing reports. When its a little report, no problems but right now I am writing my thesis which is a very big report about the 4 years worth of work that I did at this University. Its tricky to write and sometimes I just can’t focus. But you know, I ask my teacher (my boss!) to help me with some ideas or explain something and then its really not that bad! Maybe I just think I don’t like it? Maybe I just need to give it a fair go!
    Do you have report writing tips for me Jacob? I could use some help! I would appreciate your ideas 😀


  3. Hi again!

    I actually do like writing them! I really like writing, putting complicated ideas into words, hoping that someone will read them and it’ll help them understand our research!

    We also sometimes get to draw little diagrams and pictures to explain our ideas better, which is a big test of our artistic skills!

    Have you ever tried *drawing* a science report? It’s pretty fun!


  4. sometimes! it is good to write up all your findings : )

